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Price Tiers



per OBh*

Hardware owners across the globe participate in the render to maximize savings. Renders run on fast GPU hardware. Your work is encrypted upon upload and when placed on rendering machines for added security. Same fast customer service as pro tier.



per OBh*

Renders prioritized for maximum speed. Designed for professionals with Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) contracts governing their work. Limits rendering to only machines owned by rentaflop and trusted partners, so your data is kept private at all times.

You choose your desired price tier at render time. We calculate your render job's price by running Octane benchmarking, an industry standard for comparing graphics card computation power, and multiplying our price per OBh by the amount of time spent rendering. We then add these values up for each graphics card in our farm that helped render your job. Due to variations in benchmarking and hardware, prices may be different for the same job run at different times.

To know exactly how much your render will cost ahead of time, create an account and use our free price calculator! Simply upload your project, and we'll quickly render a few frames to give you the exact price for the full render. Plus, we'll provide a full render time estimate so you'll know when you can expect your render to finish. You can even download sample frames to make sure the render is exactly how you'd expect. No credit card required until you're ready to render the full project.

We're able to maintain fast rendering while charging as low as 1/10th the price of other render farms by crowdsourcing. We leverage underutilized graphics cards from hardware owners across the globe to keep rentaflop fast and affordable. This gives us the ability to provide most competitive render speeds and pricing compared to other rendering services. In addition, if you're a studio working under an NDA or you otherwise need strict security, then our pro tier will meet your needs with its enhanced privacy offering.

*OBh means Octanebench hour, a measure of GPU processing power. Prices start at the specified OBh level, use our free price calculator to get the exact price for your render.

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